

Whether for its new (old) colours or the peace and quiet that comes with changing alone on the Hotel View, the Origins avatar is widely appreciated. However, my recent experience with a crowd of lookalikes left me questioning the way we choose our outfits.

I stumbled upon the group and immediately understood the grating clothing choices to be jimmyfallon122’s signature, but all present insisted the look was their own: “I’m the real Jimmy,” screamed one as another barked “All you other Jimmys are just imitating!”

Whatever it was that led this group down their shady path, I was thankful for one slim shred of sensibility in the thick it all. “Chicka chicka chicka,” shouted user why. “Y’all act like you never seen a green mohawk before!”

Long-lost sisters coming together at the Habbo Lido? It’s more likely than you think! Presented without further comment is our very own STL’s first-hand account of her blessed reunion:

“went out to teh pool somethin real interesting happen i glance on beyond the way see wat could only be describe as a sister o mine i swiftly glide on closer to er got a real good look at er notice she resemble me quite good saw her at lido pool 11:54pm CET”

What a week!

With the hotel’s Habbo Cola frenzy taking a backseat to the newly-launched Petal Patch and Funky Friday bringing a surprise recolour for the second time in a row, players are scrambling to restock credits and hoard their favourites. HC Sofas remain the dominant currency in trade rooms, though a continuing train of new subscriptions has brought their value to a more sustainable level.

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Proceedings in Bab’s “habbo court of law” brought a chaotic start to the hotel’s otherwise peaceful Wednesday morning.

While the tyrant judge worked through a lengthy docket of accused Habbos, concerns were raised as Bab openly argued with members of the jury and disregarded their verdict at will. One member of the audience gave comment: “She’s quite loud, then, isn’t she?”

Urgent: a new condition seems to be spreading throughout the hotel and early reports find it to be both highly contagious as well as easily spread between Habbos. Symptoms have been said to be urgent clicking, a fixation on the numbers one to six, and a laser-focus on winning.

Early reports have named the condition “Bingo Fever”, and if you’re looking to investigate, look no further than the Gaming & Race Rooms section of your navigator. With things spreading so quickly, it’s a great time to be a Bingo lover – happy rolling ƒ

Chaos admist the waves!

Swimmers were left shocked upon arrival at the Habbo Lido to find that not only was the pool open, but one diver was to be seen crawling across the water on all fours.

One astounded and appalled rabbit standing nearby gave the following statement: “It was awful, she landed right next to me.”

As players relaxed and enjoyed the summer sun and water sports in the Habbo Lido and Rooftop Rumble, they were interrupted by user Christmas spreading lies and deceit about the arrival of the holiday season. As outraged players gave Christmas a piece of their mind, they had no option but to leave and spread their Christmas cheer elsewhere. Sources say Christmas was later spotted in Trade City attempting to purchase a scripted Christmas Tree 2.

Tuesday June 18th, 2024 saw the release of Habbo Hotel: Origins, a “new” official Habbo game by Sulake based around the original Habbo Hotel Version 9 (circa. 2005) recreated by long-term player and Sulake developer, Macklebee.

It wasn’t long before the halls of Habbo Hotel: Origins were filled with thousands of current and returning Habbo fans eager to trade and gamble their wares for the best possible profits. As trades were made, dice were rolled, and pools were blocked, it quickly became apparent that in some cases (such as with Janice) other players have absolutely no time for your shit.