

The Habbolympics are officially open! Athletes and spectators assembled in the newly-added Power Gym and Habbo Stadium this morning to mark the beginning of the games alongside host WaltzMatilda.

While Waltz kept things moving stadium-side, gym attendees were greeted by another VIP: Lady Gaga. To some, this was a bigger event than the Habbolympics themselves – in the words of one overwhelmed fan: “ITS GAGAGJHDSKLFJSDFNBDSFfdsjkhfgklmds I CANTttttt”

Summer is flying by!

Habbos have been beating the heat thanks to last Tuesday’s Vanilla Ice Cream Machine release, and Friday was a big day for collectors – especially ones who love doormats!

This week brings a new format to our roundup as we check in on the week’s big winners, losers, and the rares to watch over the next seven days.

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Another week down!

We kicked the week off with a bang as the much-beloved Dino Egg saw its Origins debut, and rare trading got a blast from the past on Friday when Habbo UK’s Idea Agency Teleporters were re-released (sans branding).

With regard to values, things have remained steady-eddie. The one exception? As if propelled by rocket, the value of the Small Ticket Bundle (PH Box) has not slowed and tentative sales approaching 50 HC in value have been recorded.

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There’s nothing like a mystery to keep the weekend going, and a mysterious character purporting to represent the Hotel’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has done just that.

The anonymous account, unaffiliated with actual hotel staff, sent bronze trophies to dozens of room owners and asked recipients to gather with their trophy haul in a series of long corridors late last night.

At the end of the hours-long queue, confused users were given the chance to exchange two bronze trophies for a silver version. What’s next for this community-led thriller? It’s … safe … to say that no one knows ì

Anxiety is high within the Origins legal community as two weeks have passed since Judge Bab last tried a case in her “habbo court of law”.

With no sign of life, court regulars wonder whether the Judge is growing lazy or if something is truly wrong. Our STL is less concerned:

“Last I heard o her she try branch out new singing career she got connection to Keith urban they on rocky terms but she sing a tune he like so they got the family back together down in Pawtucket.”

Doggy having a ruff day? You’re not alone! Talk to any pet owner from the Welcome Lounge to Rooftop Rumble and they’ll all say the same thing: “I love my little pal, but that animal is so dang miserable!”

If this is news to you, double click your kitty and you’ll see he’s as maudlin as the rest of them ª While the cause of this sourpuss mood is unknown, pet expert Doctor Honk has offered a tip to Palsternakka readers.

“It’s simple,” she says. “Our animals can’t sleep at night because no one covers up their windows! Pets shouldn’t spend all that time staring at the moon.”

Though the good Doctor’s solution may seem unorthodox, anything is pawsible – we’re going curtain shopping!

How’s trades, folks?

This week brought two big debuts – Bonnie Blonde’s Pillow plus Holly Garland recolours – and given that both releases feature the same violet hue, we’ve been seeing purple when we close our eyes since last Tuesday!

While Bonnie is no doubt rolling in royalties following her blowout sale, her loyal customers aren’t doing too poorly either! Bonnie’s Pillow has held its own against the Petal Patch and Habbo Cola Machine throughout the week, and while its value has dropped over the course of its sale week, the pillow being the first purchasable rare seat has done well for its demand.

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Whether for its new (old) colours or the peace and quiet that comes with changing alone on the Hotel View, the Origins avatar is widely appreciated. However, my recent experience with a crowd of lookalikes left me questioning the way we choose our outfits.

I stumbled upon the group and immediately understood the grating clothing choices to be jimmyfallon122’s signature, but all present insisted the look was their own: “I’m the real Jimmy,” screamed one as another barked “All you other Jimmys are just imitating!”

Whatever it was that led this group down their shady path, I was thankful for one slim shred of sensibility in the thick it all. “Chicka chicka chicka,” shouted user why. “Y’all act like you never seen a green mohawk before!”

Long-lost sisters coming together at the Habbo Lido? It’s more likely than you think! Presented without further comment is our very own STL’s first-hand account of her blessed reunion:

“went out to teh pool somethin real interesting happen i glance on beyond the way see wat could only be describe as a sister o mine i swiftly glide on closer to er got a real good look at er notice she resemble me quite good saw her at lido pool 11:54pm CET”

What a week!

With the hotel’s Habbo Cola frenzy taking a backseat to the newly-launched Petal Patch and Funky Friday bringing a surprise recolour for the second time in a row, players are scrambling to restock credits and hoard their favourites. HC Sofas remain the dominant currency in trade rooms, though a continuing train of new subscriptions has brought their value to a more sustainable level.

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