

It’s a calm Sunday inside the Origins Hotel, but that doesn’t mean it’s quiet! Whether you were swimming, playing bingo, or trying to buy a PH Box, we hope you had a great weekend ¬

Staff have confirmed via the Habbo Collectibles Discord that the Small Ticket Bundle PH Box is here to stay, making it the hotel’s first super rare! The box was given to users who purchased a 12 Month HC bundle in the Habbo Origins webshop before it was patched approximately two days after launch.

While the item can be exchanged using donation rooms, it cannot be placed in the safe trading box. For this reason, we advise users to exercise extreme caution when trading PH Boxes with other users. Bear in mind that aside from the Small Ticket Bundle, all other PH Boxes are unintended and may be removed from the game at any time.

Long-lost sisters coming together at the Habbo Lido? It’s more likely than you think! Presented without further comment is our very own STL’s first-hand account of her blessed reunion:

“went out to teh pool somethin real interesting happen i glance on beyond the way see wat could only be describe as a sister o mine i swiftly glide on closer to er got a real good look at er notice she resemble me quite good saw her at lido pool 11:54pm CET”

What a week!

With the hotel’s Habbo Cola frenzy taking a backseat to the newly-launched Petal Patch and Funky Friday bringing a surprise recolour for the second time in a row, players are scrambling to restock credits and hoard their favourites. HC Sofas remain the dominant currency in trade rooms, though a continuing train of new subscriptions has brought their value to a more sustainable level.

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Following up on the popular (and now pricey) Plasto drop last week, today’s Funky Friday brings another recoloured favourite: Polar Bear Rugs. Available in pink, teal, grey, and beige, these rugs are the perfect complement to the hotel’s brightly-hued range of furniture.

And … not to pull the rug out from under anyone, but these rugs will be leaving the shop in the early hours of Saturday morning – stock up quick!

Change is life’s only constant, and your account details are no exception! Today marks one week since changing your password and email address from within the Origins client were made fully functional, and if you have yet to set a secure password, now is the time —

Ready to update your login information? Click “Update my Habbo ID” from the hotel view (in the bottom left of the screen) and use the navigation at the bottom of the outfit changer to switch to the second page.

Proceedings in Bab’s “habbo court of law” brought a chaotic start to the hotel’s otherwise peaceful Wednesday morning.

While the tyrant judge worked through a lengthy docket of accused Habbos, concerns were raised as Bab openly argued with members of the jury and disregarded their verdict at will. One member of the audience gave comment: “She’s quite loud, then, isn’t she?”

Urgent: a new condition seems to be spreading throughout the hotel and early reports find it to be both highly contagious as well as easily spread between Habbos. Symptoms have been said to be urgent clicking, a fixation on the numbers one to six, and a laser-focus on winning.

Early reports have named the condition “Bingo Fever”, and if you’re looking to investigate, look no further than the Gaming & Race Rooms section of your navigator. With things spreading so quickly, it’s a great time to be a Bingo lover – happy rolling ƒ

Petals were added to the Origins catalogue for the first and only time early this morning. Their 35 credit pricepoint makes them a smooth buy for eager hoarders, and given that this is the only chance users have to buy the item directly, many are taking advantage of the launch.

Petals will remain in the catalogue until next Tuesday before being replaced with another rare. For today it is bon voyage, Colas, and hello to a summer filled with plenty of lawn-mowing •

Week two of Origins and one of the most highly-anticipated releases is already on the docket! As confirmed by a recent mainsite article, Petal Patches will enter the hotel catalogue for one week beginning this Tuesday.

The release announcement also brings some clarity to the hotel’s rare release plan: new rares will be released each Tuesday, and once removed from the catalogue, rares are guaranteed to never return. What does this mean for players? Stock up on antihistamines, credits, or both, because this is going to be one pollen-filled week!