

Just how many sea puns can I fit in before the end of the pirate campaign? I guess we’ll have to wait and … nevermind. With that sort of pirate talk in mind, however: have you given your client a reboot recently?

When you do, you’ll see that pirate fever has taken over the hotel’s interface from the navigator to your purse. With all the pirate lingo, we’re basically bilingual |_|

Were you one of the build-arrs working overtime to put together a prize-winning pirate ship in time for judging?

If so, you may in luck: the team was so impressed with the community’s shipbuilding acumen that they decided to add an unprecedented 25 runner-up slots!

Check under the cut for a full list of winners and give a big congrats to our ocean-going champs ¶

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If American Idol didn’t work out, don’t throw your singing voice overboard just yet! A mysterious note from Captain Murphy beseeches users to help find his lost pup Bulldozer, and music stands to play a role in the hunt —

According to the good Cap’n, Bulldozer is such a fan of sea shanties that one may do the trick to bring his cur out of hiding: players can submit their best attempt (AI or all natural) via X for a chance at a Typewriter.

Make sure to read the full rules in the post linked above and then submit your beautiful work of art by 8AM UTC on September 20th. We’ll see you back here next Tuesday as we celebrate the songs of the summer!

Just when you thought it was time to light the fireplace and get out the blankets, the cold September air has been held at bay for another week … and what better way to enjoy September summer than at the beach?

With this in mind, the Tropical Beach Rug has been added to the catalogue at the very reasonable price of 35 credits for one week only. Take this chance to build a sandcastle or two before the snow rolls in, and don’t miss your chance to pick up enough for next year as well – these sandy superstars will never be sold again ¶

We’re live! Following on the heels of a frenzied giveaway inviting users to perform, hopefuls met today to ísingí their hearts out in Origins’ first X Factor audition —

Group performances saw some contestants advance automatically, while four others – Lemonomicon, Thinkable, Valois, and Wowin – were set to battle it out in a deadlock heat for the final spaces.

Then came a shock: Lemonomicon managed to rush into the finalists area without notice, leaving the others to panic before Wowin received the sole boot of the day!

Check under the cut for a comprehensive list of songs and performers, and we’ll see you back here next week to report on the next stage of the competition ¬

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I’m writing this while aboard an unnamed pirate ship sailing across the Habbo ocean … and what’s that I spy from atop the crow’s nest? Is it a … is it pirate bunny? Is that … it can’t be … C-Captain … Captain Cottontail?!

If my eyes aren’t deceiving me, all-new pirate ducks and bunnies are available (at great value) in the catalogue as we speak. Act fast, because these deals will be sleeping with the fishes no later than tomorrow afternoon ¬

As the saying goes: if you build it, they will come (and give you a pirate badge). Shipyards across the hotel are buzzing at the opportunity to scoop first place in an all-around pirate ship construction showdown!

The three best pirate ships will sail away with a set of prizes sure to make any corsair seethe with jealousy, including that all-new badge as well as a “winner’s choice” treasure trove of free furni.

As per official rules, all entries must be named “Pirate Ship 2024” and completed no later than 14:00 UTC on September 16th … better get to building! ª

In the timeless spirit of Oprah’s infamous car giveaway: you get a trophy, and you get a trophy, and you get a trophy, and … everybody gets a trophy! |

Building on earlier OSHA and Pokémon-themed giveaways, users role-playing everything from McDonalds to IMDB have given out hundreds of specialized trophies to random recipients throughout the hotel.

While some are strictly collectible, other trophies come attached to events: in one instance, a Simon Cowell impersonator has even given out invitations to an upcoming American Idol-styled singing contest.

If you’re looking to join in the fun, we suggest popping by the Welcome Lounge. Keep your wits about you, make friends, and wish luck to those American Idol hopefuls!

Of all the rares to try and hide from a pack of sleuthing Habbos, the impressively-tall Blue Pillar would not be my first choice! Users found the rare at the end of a hunt beginning with a mysterious article posted this morning.

Following through a series of secret rooms (complete with kick war functionality †), users discovered clues written on sticky notes pointing toward a message displayed on the catalogue’s rare page.

Using this message to deduce the password to a room full of hidden treasure, the fastest users (jmlowsx, b0y, and belle) nabbed a Pillar of their own before they were released to the community for 50 credits each!

In an Origins first, sixteen helping hands (or would that be thirty-two?) have been appointed to their Hobba posts to act as community guides around the hotel.

The team also notes that it’s likely applications will re-open down the line. Check under the cut for a full list of initiates, and here’s to helping one another out ¶

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